6 juli 2015|

Sunday 6 September: Meerhoven Expat Meeting

expatsOn Sunday 6 September 2015 the third Meerhoven Expat Meeting is being held, this time as a coffee morning for internationals living in Meerhoven. Time: 10.30 to 12.30 hours. Location: Primary school ‘t Slingertouw, Grasland 1, Meerhoven (entrance at the schoolyard). All internationals in Meerhoven are more than welcome to join the meeting.

The meeting is organized by the United Residents’ Associations Meerhoven and the Meerhoven Expat Platform. It is a social event for internationals to get to know each other better and to be informed about important items related to living in Meerhoven. Coffee, tea, refreshments and cake will be available. The meeting is hosted by Primary School ’t Slingertouw.

The following topics will be addressed:

  • safety (Police officers Meerhoven);
  • education (International School Eindhoven, Primary School ’t Slingertouw);
  • Brainport Region Eindhoven (Brainport Development N.V.);
  • sports (Tennis club Meerhoven);
  • help to settle into the South Netherlands (Holland Expat Centre South);
  • exchange experience and ideas.

The Meerhoven Expat Platform is coordinated by Veronica van der Biezen and Shahzad Khan. Veronica is active in one of the residents’ associations in Meerhoven. Shahzad Khan is from India and living in Meerhoven together with his wife and two sons. “I find Meerhoven ideal for kids and I like the green and open space. With the platform we aim to bring together internationals living in Meerhoven and to create a platform to discuss expat-related issues.”

There is no charge to attend but participants are kindly requested to register through the registration form. For any questions ore more information, see www.meerhoven.nl/expats or send an e-mail to expats@meerhoven.nl.

Deel dit verhaal, kies je platform!